
Núria Tomàs

Núria Tomàs

Núria Tomàs Corominas received her PhD in Science from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), her MSc Degree in Applied Optics from the Reading University (UK) and her degree in Optics and Optometry from the UPC. She has a permanent position as a lecturer and researcher in the optics and Optometry department at UPC. Her research activity focuses on Optical Design developed in the research group on optical engineering from the Centre for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development (CD6). She is currently lecturer of several subjects related with Optometric Instrumentation in the BSc and MSc of the Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry (UPC), where is vice-dean and director of the University Vision Center. She is also teaching in the MSc in Photonics.